A new infographic reveals the top 10 risky behaviors that employees have engaged in on their work devices. The risky behaviors findings were detected by organizations integrating KnowBe4’s product SecurityCoach.

The 10 risky behaviors of employees

  1. Entertainment domain/streaming services
  2. Gaming website
  3. Greymail
  4. Adult website
  5. Unauthorized or malicious application 
  6. Risky website detected
  7. Unauthorized removable media
  8. Sharing of personal identifiable information (PII)
  9. Cloud backup or cloud storage
  10. Malicious email attachment opened 

The human factor is involved in 82% of data breaches, according to the 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report. However, according to IDC, less than 3% of IT spending is allocated to help secure the human layer.